At-Bit Azimuthal Gamma & Continuous Inclination Tools
Lock your wellbore in the pay zone with the high-resolution at-bit azimuthal gamma images.

Key Features
Up to 4 quads of gamma in real time
16 sectors of gamma in the tool memory
Total gamma measurements in real time
More Features
Continuous inclination measurement
Downhole RPM measurement
3-axis shock & vib monitoring in real time
Can be run either or above motor (with proper connections)
Collar Size(s) Available
Available in 4-3/4 in., 6-3/4 in., and 8-in. collar sizes
Modular packaging design permits battery, gamma sensor, or electronics replacement in shop or at rig site
Very short sub (2.92 ft or 0.89 m) optimizes bit steerability
Drop-in EM short-hop receiver retains MWD tool string retrievability
Powered by self-contained batteries with battery life up to 200 hours
High-resolution azimuthal gamma allows well placement in greater confidence
Built-in EM short-hop system enables at-bit data transmission in real time
Available in both standard version (150°C) and high-temperature version (175°C)

Place wells accurately and maximize reservoir contacts with a clear view the geology around the bit while in rotating or sliding mode
Identify target zones timely with the superior gamma ray images located as little as 1.3ft from the bit
Early detection of changes in lithology
Steer within formations with lateral dip and/or thickness changes
PayzoneTracker has an outstanding track record of runs from hundreds of wells
PayzoneTracker has been deployed in multiple geographic locations including the North America, China, the Middle East, and Australia
PayzoneTracker has demonstrated superior performance in brine and oil-based muds
PayzoneTracker sensor modules, electronics modules, and hatch covers fit all the different collar sizes