At-Bit Azimuthal Propagation Resistivity Tools
Make your well placement decisions with the industry's first at-bit propagation resistivity tools.
Key Features
Dual-frequency attenuation & phase-shift resistivity measurements
Temperature compensated measurements for maximal thermal stability
16 sectors of attenuation & phase-shift resistivity in memory
Up to 4 quads of attenuation or phase-shift resistivity in real time
More Features
Boundary detection distance up to 30 in. (0.76 m)
Continuous inclination measurement
Downhole RPM measurement
3-axis shock & vib monitoring in real time
Can be run either below or above more (with proper connections)
Works in any type of muds including OBM
Collar Size(s) Available
Available in 4-3/4 in., 6-3/4 in., and 8 in. collar sizes
Modular packaging design permits battery, resistivity sensor, or electronics replacement in shop or at rig site
Very short sub (2.92 ft or 0.89 m) optimizes bit steerability
Drop-in EM short-hop receiver retains MWD tool string retrievability
Powered by self-contained batteries with battery life up to 150 hours
Propagation resistivity only a few inches from the bit permits early water detection
Work in water-base muds or oil-base muds
Available in both standard version (150°C) and high-temperature version (175°C)
Make formation resistivity information available earlier than conventional LWD resistivity measurements can
Pick precise casing or coring points with propagation resistivity measurements right behind the bit
Provide early indication of an over-pressured zone
Monitor lithology variation in real time
Detect fluid contacts in the first time
Improve well placement reaction time with less risks of drill-out
GeoTracker operates at similar frequencies to conventional propagation resistivity tools, making resistivity measurements from the different tools closely comparable.
GeoTracker is a plug-'n-play module that can be dropped anywhere on a BHA (with proper connections).
GeoTracker uses our universal, field-proven EM short-hop communications system, eHop, for transmission of at-bit data across motor to the MWD system above the motor.
GeoTracker sensor module, electronics modules, and hatch covers fit all the different collar sizes.